Dean's List Fall 2014
To be eligible for the Dean's List, students must earn a 3.50 GPA for the semester and complete at least nine semester hours of academic credit with no incompletes.
Dean's List -
2015 Feb 23
Georgia Southern University Announces Fall 2013 Dean's List
Georgia Southern University recently recognized 2,646 students for excellence in academics on the 2013 Fall Semester Dean's List. To be eligible for the Dean's List, a student must have at least a 3.5 grade point average and carry a minimum of 12 hours for the semester. The following students from your area achieved this accomplishment:
Honors List -
2014 Jan 30
Area Residents Make Dean's List at Georgia Southwestern State University
The following local residents made the Fall 2013 Dean's List at Georgia Southwestern State University and were among 565 students recognized for scholastic achievement.
Honors List -
2014 Jan 14